
Count Characters

Scarlet Legacy
free rating
OnNet USA Inc.
Princess Scarlet is the daughter of the goddess...
it in a battle. Your character will automatically begin running
Excel Text Cleaner
The Sky Soft
Excel Text Cleaner is a must have MS Excel Add...
numeric Characters, Removing user defined Characters...and worksheets. Counting
MS Word Find and Replace In Multiple Documents Software
Replace text in one or many MS Word files...
Replace text in one or many MS Word files. Text in headers and footers are also replaced
Alchemy for Pocket PC
Astraware Ltd
Alchemy is a puzzle game...
match different color and character...through each level the characters and colors
Bits and Bytes - Lesson 3
free rating
Bits & Bytes is a collection of five lessons created by MSDN oriented to people who want to get...
of Data o Counting on Two Fingers...Integer o Double o Boolean o Character o String o Types Dictate
Console Utilities
free rating
Dave Crutchley
These are Unix-like utilities to be used from the command line in a DOS box. They are true Win32...
are true Win32 applications:Count: Count bytes, characters, letters, vowels, consonants
free rating Game Creation Society
Bossmen consists of seven unique boss battles. You are a “hero”, equipped with a lasergun and jetpack...
with parts of the characters’ names disappearing...corners and high polygon count
Imperator II - Apocalypto
free rating twcenter
Imperator II is a modification base on Rome Total Realism Platinum Edition 1.8 and is specially build to be play...
of citizens and seedy characters gathered. Some for criminal
Automate Excel
rating The Sky Soft
Automate Excel is a unique Excel utility to make MS Excel more powerful...
proper case. We can count words, characters
Automate XL
rating WinTech Soft
Automate XL is a powerful Excel add-in which contains features of many Excel add-ins...
all type of unwanted characters. It can..."Word count" add in to count words, characters